octopus awakening
The original oil painting “Octopus Awakening” was created from a photograph taken at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. (Original oil painting, 42 x 26 )
Octopus are reclusive and also very curious. They explore their surroundings primarily through touch. They have specialized touch receptors on their suckers that allows them to both taste and smell, which helps them explore and find prey. Each one of it’s eight arms has a dedicated brain that allows them to respond to stimuli without messaging the central brain. This complex nervous system allows each arm to explore independently. Their skin has light sensitive proteins that allows it to see and react to their surroundings by quickly changing the color and texture of their skin to match their surroundings.
The Octopus reminds us to stay curious and that there is always more to learn. Nature can inspire and humble us to be more empathetic towards our environment, and those that we share it with.
Watch an amazing documentary about an octopus that won an academy award for best documentary in 2021. It is less of a traditional documentary and more of a story about the relationship of a man who reconnects with life with the help of an octopus.
My Octopus Teacher is on Netflix. https://www.netflix.com/title/81045007.
Learn about the making of the film:
NPR (48 min) - https://www.npr.org/2020/10/15/924011974/my-octopus-teacher-filmmaker
Washington Post (30 min)- https://youtu.be/P1ZSgOi-coE
Amanpour and Company (18 min) https://youtu.be/oyBqZ-_5B_8
Interview with the Director (12 min)- https://youtu.be/05_7vRcggzg
More Octopus Facts
Article about a popular book of fiction about Octopus from the New York Times Best Seller List