Project Samples
Teaching Strategies
Personas, Journey Map and Experience Map
Toolbar Concept
Concept for information consolidation inside of a toolbar (unnarrated video)
Child assessment
Early childhood assessment (narrated video)
Teacher Assessment
Teacher assessment updates (narrated video)
Online Strategy for Print Content
Strategy for moving print content to a digital solution (narrated video)
discovery Education
Annotation Innovation
This is a team presentation for a Discovery Education Shark Tank competition in 2019. I recruited team members from different areas of expertise to collaborate and create the winning presentation.
Annotation Innovation (narrated video)
discovery Education
Teacher Reports - Formative QuestionS
This narrated video describes the implementation of the initial phase of a teacher reporting interface I designed. This initial proposal identified a phased approach to create immediate impact and create a feedback loop where much larger changes could build upon it. It was received very positively from teachers and is currently being extended.
Point of use dashboard (narrated video)
Concept dashboard (narrated video)
discovery Education
Studio “Capture Now” - Video, Audio, Image and Speech to Text Capture
This interface was part of a team submission of a “Shark Tank” company competition in which it won first place. The interfaced was a proposed extension to an existing creation and collaboration tool called Studio. This tool utilized web sockets technology.
Capture Now (narrated video)
Studio Creation and collaboration overview (narrated video)
discovery Education
Performance Based Assessment
This concept video was used to create a conversation between the Business, Design and the Developers on how to support a new feature for assessments.
discovery Education
Assessment Builder
This is a summary video of recently added features to an assessment creation tool.
Navigation Arts
Office of Naval Research
This presentation was used to facilitate the beginning of the design phase of a website redesign. The project challenges included creating a unified presence for multiple branches of a large organization. The inputs for this presentation included research through online surveys, one on one interviews and page analytics.
Navigation Arts
Department of Energy
These two wireframes provided a simple redesign of the two main page elements of the blog site.
Navigation Arts
CHAP - SIte Redesign
This project required a reorganization of content. This site map presented the new proposed content groupings and the wireframes identified page templates and content types.